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I am homeschooling mom of 8 wonderful blessings and wife to my best friend.Baby-Wearing, cloth diapering, pregnancy, natural health and healing and living frugally are some of my other interests. I love to read, write, listen to music, shop second hand, photography and enjoy family time especially out in nature. I enjoy cooking and making things as natural and homemade as possible. I also enjoy learning new things and about others along the way.

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Friday, February 17, 2012

My son's surgery

My oldest son Kellan, is resting from his appendix surgery done on Febuary 14, 2012. A Valentine's day to remember :) It started the day before (Monday) at about 3 or 4 am. He decided to reenact some scenes from Heaven is For Real. He said his stomach was hurting. I gave him some liquid pain medicine that he did not keep down. At first I thought to myself is he getting the stomach flu again? It seems a bit strange when he just had it a few weeks ago. He stayed home from school to rest up. I made sure he had plenty of water and ginger ale which he managed to keep down and some saltine crackers. He didn't have much of an appetite but was thirsty.

The next day, instead of getting better he seemed to get worse. He was in so much pain. Kellan usually has a high tolerance of pain. I thought about the book and started to think something wasn't right. We went to urgent care and then were transferred to the emergency room. The doctors were leaning to a appendicitis. He was sent to have a CT Scan which confirmed that what was 98% the problem. A while later he had surgery done to remove the pesky appendix that had started to burst. Dr. Lindsey was able to use a scope to extract the appendix. Kellan has three cuts on his abdominal that are healing. I praise God for giving me the wisdom to take him in. I also praise him that I was able to finish the Heaven is For Real book in December. God saved Kellan's life and I am sharing to give all the glory to him. Kellan is resting and on the road to recovery.God is good all the time. I thank him for saving my son and for giving his son on the cross so that we could all live.

I would highly recommend the book Heaven is for Real.

Also here are some symptoms of a appendicitis from the Mayo Clinic:


By Mayo Clinic staff

Signs and symptoms of appendicitis may include:

  • Aching pain that begins around your navel and often shifts to your lower right abdomen
  • Pain that becomes sharper over several hours
  • Tenderness that occurs when you apply pressure to your lower right abdomen
  • Sharp pain in your lower right abdomen that occurs when the area is pressed on and then the pressure is quickly released (rebound tenderness)
  • Pain that worsens if you cough, walk or make other jarring movements
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Low-grade fever
  • Constipation
  • Inability to pass gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal swelling

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