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I am homeschooling mom of 8 wonderful blessings and wife to my best friend.Baby-Wearing, cloth diapering, pregnancy, natural health and healing and living frugally are some of my other interests. I love to read, write, listen to music, shop second hand, photography and enjoy family time especially out in nature. I enjoy cooking and making things as natural and homemade as possible. I also enjoy learning new things and about others along the way.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

God's Love Letter to Us!

The Bible is the "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth"  God loved us so much that he wrote a book on how to live on earth with Peace and joy and how to get eternal life. His word never fails or changes. In a world with constant advancements in technology, the written word is still one of the most powerful tools available to us. Words can encourage, educate, demonstrate, engage, enlighten, strengthen and the list could go on and on. Words can destroy as well but that isn't what my post is about today! Writing can lift a writers spirits as well and get their feelings out into the world.

Today face to face contact is replaced with texting,emails and social networks. Face to face contact with a loved one or even meeting new people can be some of the best medicine. Sometimes it is hard to get out and meet with others because of  the distance or opportunities but we can always write to a person to encourage to tell them how we feel about them and lift them up and send them some of God's word which is alive with the holy spirit.  These are just a few scriptures on the power of God's word.
In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. John 1: 1

For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart. Hebrews 4: 12

The world can feel like it is spinning out of control and getting darker everyday but there is always something we can do to bring light. It may seem small but if we do it together and spread love to more than one person... I know we will reap a mighty harvest. I challenge myself and readers out their to write to one person a week. Just one person a week. It can be anyone from a friend or loved one you haven't seen in awhile to someone you just met. As long as you know their address, you can write a letter. You can send little gifts and pictures if you would like as well. Letters to God are encouraged as well. We don't have to mail our words to him, he know our hearts. As you write letters, tell me a bit about your experience. I will as well and keep track of  whom you write to. I think we all will be blessed for it! 

I already mailed out a letter to my Grandma on my husbands side. Let's start our project and see what develops. Heavenly Father thank you for this opportunity to bless others with words you have created. Please bless the recipient and give us the wisdom on the kind of letter of encouragement and love each individual needs. Thank you again in Jesus name Amen!

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This blog is created and edited by me. I may receive products for review and giveaway. The opinions and statements about the products are my honest opinions and thoughts. I do not receive money to review and give away these products. If I do receive any monetary gain, I will disclose it in the particular post. I will not promote or compromise anything I don't stand for or agree with. Thank you for reading.
My Hebrew Name:
Courtesy of My Hebrew Name