Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs is an great tool that empowers the reader to understand the male and female role in marriage and how to improve communication, team work and the marriage overall. Women desire Love and men desire Respect. When a woman is being loved she will give respect and when a man is receiving respect he responds with love. When these needs are not being met the Crazy Cycle occurs but some steps can be made to prevent it and replace it with the Energizing Cycle. God made us this way to give men and women a deeper and understanding marital relationship. Ephesians 5:33 "However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." This book gives insight to what makes us different and why God made us this way for a greater purpose in our marriage.
I found this book easy to understand and apply. It has a section for just the husband to read and one for the wife so that they can study it together and apply the principles that will work for each one. This book related to the struggles and triumphs of married couples with many examples and even some about the author and his wife. I enjoyed gaining insight on how to have a great marriage in Christ. I realized why my husband and I may react negatively to each other and how to prevent such occurrences from happening often. I highly recommend this book to other married couples :) I have a greater understanding not only of my husband but of myself as well.
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