Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay is a Historical Fiction book. This is a sad book that talks about the true event that Took Place in Paris in July 1942. The Vel' d'Hiv Roundup otherwise known as Operation Spring Breeze, took place in Paris where French Policemen arrested more than 13,000 Jewish men, women and children and took them to a local camp in Paris. Later they were taken to Auschwitz where they were put to their deaths.
This story is told from the perspective of a ten year old girl named Sarah and her family that was arrested and bused to the Paris camp. Her little brother was locked in a cupboard in the hopes that they would come back and rescue him.
This book describes just a few of the horrific circumstances that the Jewish families endured and suffered.
Sixty years later an American Journalist in Paris uncovers Sarah's story and finds a family connection to her. Although this part of the story is fictional, one cannot helped to be moved by the true events that took place and happened and killed over 6 million Jews. This is a tearjerker, but I think it is important that we remember all the families that were effected by this tragic event in history. May we never repeat such horrors to human life again.
Zakhor. Al Tichkah. (Hebrew)
Remember. Never Forget.
I think we'll be reading this for our book club some time soon.