About Me

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I am homeschooling mom of 8 wonderful blessings and wife to my best friend.Baby-Wearing, cloth diapering, pregnancy, natural health and healing and living frugally are some of my other interests. I love to read, write, listen to music, shop second hand, photography and enjoy family time especially out in nature. I enjoy cooking and making things as natural and homemade as possible. I also enjoy learning new things and about others along the way.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

I am thankful for all the bounties God has provided. The more I am thankful the better life is :) No matter how hard life can get there is always something to be thankful for.Through our struggles he always brings a rainbow of a promise. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with great memories. Again I wish you all a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Black Friday shopping.

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Goodwill adventure

Today I start a new adventure at my local Goodwill. I will be looking over clothing for defects and tagging them to go out on the rack for your perusal. I will miss my kiddies as I have been able to spend this summer and fall with them. I love working but I feel like I will be giving up valuable time that I can't make up.

The kids grow too fast, and can learn so much in one day.
Granted, I will take the part time shift 8am to noon. This seems to have come at a weird time. This first week I will be working 8am to 4 pm during my son's mini holiday break from school. I don't think we are open on Thanksgiving but I am not sure if people work in the back or not.

At first I was so excited then I started thinking of the things I will miss. MOPS meetings, making my kids breakfast, My oldest going off to school. Nolan (my youngest) coming to sit on my lap in the morning. If my daughter goes to preschool I will miss her first day.
I am sitting here contemplating whether I really even want to try. It seems like a nice enough job but it feels like I will be losing a lot in the process. I know sometimes you have to take risks in life to know what you like and learn but I am just here thinking of my babies who grow and learn everyday.

I know I am not going to say, "Gee I wish I would have worked more during their childhood." It sure is tough being a mom, I am not sure how the moms who have to work do it. I feel like I have to work at times because of society's standards and we are not well off but we are blessed. I suppose I will spend today praying and reflecting on what God wants for my family. I may start a new adventure but it does not have to be a lifelong one. I love to work with my hands and hard work is important to me I just don't want to give up something I can't get back in the process. Then again this could be for me to appreciate my kids a bit more and teach me to be a better person. I know God has a plan for everything in our lives.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Having a frugal swimming escapade tomorrow

This is actually my kiddos swimming at my mom's mobile home park pool this summer. My youngest at the top just got out of the pool.

Tomorrow my son has the day off of school for conferences. What to do..........................? Well besides hanging out with his preschool siblings, complaining about them getting out his stuff and bugging me to get on the computer countless times or play the XBOX.
Where does he get that from? He is really a sweet kid though he can't help that he is almost 9 and the oldest at our house LOL. What fun can we achieve on his wonderful day off? The possibilities may seem endless.

I found something frugal and fun to do later at our local indoor pool. Located at our town's Middle School, they are having a family swim for................ a mere $1 dollar per person for a 2 hour swim. The best part I actually have $4 dollars on me. Another great thing about it is that it is indoor so there is no need to mess with sunblock. Which my kids hate getting on them even if it is for their own good. Some may call it luck, I call it a great blessing.

The only problem is that it is from 6pm-8pm. Now if I can find something to do from about 9am until dinner time we are all set for the day. I also want to add; doesn't he look like a caring older brother to his sister? He really is a wonderful kid, maybe we can put our minds together and find other things to do the rest of the day. Then after being tired out from thinking, we will probably end up watching The Little Mermaid or Qubo all day. I must keep it honest but I should get an "A" for effort.
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This blog is created and edited by me. I may receive products for review and giveaway. The opinions and statements about the products are my honest opinions and thoughts. I do not receive money to review and give away these products. If I do receive any monetary gain, I will disclose it in the particular post. I will not promote or compromise anything I don't stand for or agree with. Thank you for reading.
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