I have found another way to save money and it only took me four kids to try it. I actually thought about doing it with my third child but my husband was not on board at the time and I went back to work which would have made it more of a challenge. A friend told me a bit more about it so I was prepared. Since I am home right now I thought "Why not try it". I was getting tired of shelling out money for disposables. So, I have converted to Cloth and I am loving every minute of it.
I started out buying some pre-owned pocket diapers from E-bay to test the waters. They are Fuzzi Bunz brands. I got 6 with inserts for about $27.99. I ordered three more pocket diapers, one being a another Fuzzi Bunz (two of which were from ebay but a China factory), and some covers for Pre-folds. I got a gift card to use a Babies R Us. I bought some G Diapers but knew I would use reusable inserts instead of flush able. I also picked up some pins. I wasn't sure about pre-folds at the time. I picked some up on a whim on one of my trips to meijer.
I decided to get some cloth wipes from ebay as well.
Click Here to learn about making wipe solution. I joined a cloth diapering group on Facebook and learned that due to little space a hanging pail liner would be great to store my dirty diapers in. A wonderful green Fuzzi Bunz (with a zipper on the bottom) liner now hangs in one of my bathrooms which is also my laundry room. Great resources on cloth diapering are on the web. I found a site that shows you how to make your own spray for cloth wipes.
Click Here for more information on cloth diapering.
It cost me about $150 dollars to start out. I know this will save me money in the end. The one thing that I will have to be careful of is that they are so many cute prints and diapers out there that it can get expensive. Some mom's sell some of their stash on Facebook so they can buy others. Trading is available as well. I have found the cloth diapering group on Facebook very helpful. It may not be necessary to use a detergent that is made specifically for cloth diapers but a gentle detergent may be required if your baby has sensitive skin (which most do). I purchased a travel wet bag to go in my diaper bag so I can try to use them everywhere we go. There are many moms out there that make some adorable hand made diapers. I just had to buy one of those as well LOL
Other things that may come in handy is a sprayer that hooks to your toilet to help you spray off dirty diapers. I don't have one yet but that may be my next purchase. I find that I like Pocket diapers the best and Fuzzi Bunz are my favorite.
Click Here to learn more about them. This has been a pretty good experience and I plan on continuing to use them until Logan is potty trained.
Reasons why I love Cloth Diapering:- Better for Baby
- Saves money in the long run
- Better for the environment
- Fun to try different diapers
- Great designs and colors
LingoPre-folds - Old school diapers Covers- Plastic covers with Velcro or without to use over Pre-folds All in Ones (AIO)-These types of diapers don't require covers or inserts One Size- This adjusts to fit any size baby on up to pre potty trained Pocket- Diapers with a pocket to put in inserts Wet bag- lined bag to keep wet diapers or clothes in. Hanging Wet Bag/pail- Is bigger than a wet bag. About the size of a pail liner but hangs up. Pail liner- Washable Liner to go in a diaper pail.Logan in his polka Dot China Pocket :)