Tuesday, August 9, 2016
30 WEEKS and Update!
Here I am at 30 weeks. I look a little scared for some reason :) I have a hard time taking pregnant belly pictures of myself :) I feel a bit tired and my right side doesn't have as good of circulation as my left but I feel fairly good! Heartburn is happening more frequently ( I think baby girl will have a lot of hair) and for some reason many foods don't sound very good. I am enjoying fruit and starchy type foods like potato salad. I have about 2 months and 1 week left until we meet our new baby girl! The second picture is of our youngest boy, Ethan. He will be 2 in January!
I am working on homeschool planning and finishing up organizing our learning area and materials.
We joined a local homeschooling group this year as well. I get a question from moms quite often about how sending your kids to school helps you get a break. That didn't work for me. Eight hours a day was too much of a break I missed my school aged children a lot and felt overwhelmed at them being in public school. I did attend public school but I just felt like I would like to be with them more.I am a tired mom at times and no I am not perfect with perfect patience. I really do like educating most of my kids at home and I have felt that it really has helped me grow not only as a mom and wife but as a person. I actually find I am able to do more if that makes sense :) I don't feel as rushed and a bit more flexible. I was one that thought homeschooling was a great concept but not for me for awhile. I didn't think I could do it. As I started to have more children I changed my thinking and thought why not? It took some convincing of my other half as well. He came around and agreed that we could try it out. Last year we DE-schooled a bit since we didn't the first year. I feel we have a fresher start now. Many stories of homeschooling moms have started out this way and they have learned to adjust and improve things along the way.
If I had started homeschooling sooner I would have also had my oldest son at home as well. Everything works out for a reason and everyone's journey is different. I am thankful to be able to live out some of my and my families goals and dreams :) This is our third year of home education and we are really excited. My oldest will be in tenth grade. He attends public high school. I will have a 3rd and 4th grader, Kindergartner and two little ones along with a baby.
I also am due on my 8 year old's birthday :) which is October 15th! He says he hopes he shares a birthday with his baby sister. He is a sweet guy!!! I told him I might be in the hospital but we could either have a celebration for him before or after. The bottom picture is my sweet youngest boy, Ethan. He will be 2 in January! I hope everyone has a great rest of the summer and a great start to a new school year!!! Whether is is done at home or another building:) I am getting back on track with drinking my Raspberry Leaf Tee and plan on doing some prenatal yoga stretching. We are all excited to meet our new addition in a few months.
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This blog is created and edited by me. I may receive products for review and giveaway. The opinions and statements about the products are my honest opinions and thoughts. I do not receive money to review and give away these products. If I do receive any monetary gain, I will disclose it in the particular post. I will not promote or compromise anything I don't stand for or agree with. Thank you for reading.

Courtesy of My Hebrew Name