About Me

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I am homeschooling mom of 8 wonderful blessings and wife to my best friend.Baby-Wearing, cloth diapering, pregnancy, natural health and healing and living frugally are some of my other interests. I love to read, write, listen to music, shop second hand, photography and enjoy family time especially out in nature. I enjoy cooking and making things as natural and homemade as possible. I also enjoy learning new things and about others along the way.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Name decoration for baby!

I made this from scrapbook paper and stickers I had on hand. I found the owls printable from Pinterest and printed the picture of Carson. I think it turned out pretty cute. I hope Carson likes it LOL.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Weekly to do/goals for week July 21, 2013

It seems like I may have skipped a few weeks but I am back to making some goals and a to do list for the week.

  • Finish my book club book Julia, Julie.
  • Mail out ebay item
  • continue decluttering- this week the big bathroom
  • Start walking at least 3 times a week
  • Do workbooks with kids at least 3 times this week.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Inspiring Friday: July 20, 2013

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." – Nelson Mandela

"Choice, not chance, determines human destiny." – Robert W. Ellis

"The man who chases two rabbits catches neither." – Confucius

"A man does not have to be an angel in order to be a saint. " – Albert Schweitzer

"Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product." – Eleanor Roosevelt

"You're never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." – C.S. Lewis

Friday, July 12, 2013

4H Fair 2013

 It was fair week this week. Kellan is the third person away from the judge, showing Blizzard his New Zealand rabbit. I snapped a picture of my kids playing watching from the bleachers. It is a little hard to see, for some reason they have their backs to us from where we are seated. I didn't get a picture of Carson and I. He was fast asleep in his Moby D wrap. We had to leave before they handed out the prizes. Kellan came home to tell me Blizzard won Best Opposite Sex! Way to go Kellan and Blizzard! I think next year I will have Brooklyn show rabbits too. Kellan is having a fun week at fair hanging out with his 4H buddies.

Inspiring Friday: July 12, 2013

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain
what he cannot lose." -- Jim Elliot

"Expect great things from God; attempt great things for
God." -- William Carey

"My father used to play with my brother and me in the
yard. Mother would come out and say, 'You're tearing up
the grass.' 'We're not raising grass,' Dad would reply.
'We're raising boys.'" -- Harmon Killebrew

"If we are correct and right in our Christian life at
every point, but refuse to stand for the truth at a
particular point where the battle rages---then we are
traitors to Christ." -- Martin Luther

"A discovery is said to be an accident meeting a
prepared mind." -- Albert Szent-Gyorgi

"None are so empty as those who are full of
themselves." -- Benjamin Whichcote

"Each one of us can work for a small change in the
world around us." -- Lamar S. Smith, Politician

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This blog is created and edited by me. I may receive products for review and giveaway. The opinions and statements about the products are my honest opinions and thoughts. I do not receive money to review and give away these products. If I do receive any monetary gain, I will disclose it in the particular post. I will not promote or compromise anything I don't stand for or agree with. Thank you for reading.
My Hebrew Name:
Courtesy of My Hebrew Name